
For general information and language reference about GeoScript, see the GeoScript Manual.

Chapter 1: A simple triangle
Chapter 2: Basic drawings with lines
Chapter 3: Marking objects
Chapter 4: Circles
Chapter 5: Notable lines in a triangle; Text output
Chapter 6: Procedure "CONSTRUCTION"
Chapter 7: Animations
Chapter 8: "INTERACTION" procedure
Chapter 9: Limiting movements in animations and interactions
Chapter 10: A menu
Chapter 11: Changing default styles and colors

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Chapter 1: A simple triangle
(Introducing POINT, LINE, WAIT, END)

Let us start with a very basic construction: a triangle. This is the program which accomplishes this:

POINT A, 100,360                       'This point receives the default properties.
POINT B, 400,360, 2,(255,0,0)          'Style 2, red, default thickness.
POINT C, 300,85, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, 40  'Thickness 40.
a = LINE B,C                           'This line receives the default properties.
b = LINE A,C, &HF0F, (0,0,255)         'dashed line, blue, default thickness.
c = LINE A,B, &H101, DEFAULT, 5        'dotted line, thickness 5.
WAIT                                'Let user press a button before program exits.

The parts after single quotation marks ' are comments. The ' indicates that what follows should not be interpreted as a program instruction. The GeoScript interpreter treats such comments as if they were simply not there.

First we initialize three points on the screen. This is done with the instruction POINT, which has the following syntax:

POINT name, x, y [, style, color, thickness]

name can be any name you choose, except a GeoScript keyword. So you cannot name your point "point", for example. (You cannot name it "line" either; but I suppose you won't do this anyway.) x and y are the coordinates of the point on the screen.
If you have used any other programming language before, you know that programming languages use variables to store data like numbers, text strings, etc. In order to assign a numerical value to a variable, you would write something like: a = 5, where "a" is the name of the variable which receives the value 5.
This is exactly what the instruction POINT does. "A" (in the example script) is the name of a variable - in this case a point - , and the coordinate pair "100,360" is the value we assign to A.
But GeoScript is unique in the sense that it has no numerical variables. Since it is a language for geometry programs, its variables represent geometrical objects. There are three data types (i.e. types of variables) in GeoScript: points, straight lines and circles. (For an overview of these types and their properties, see the corresponding section in the GeoScript Manual.)

A name and a pair of coordinates is everything we need in order to initialize a point. Note that screen coordinates are "upside down": the y-value increases from the top towards the bottom. - However, there are three additional values which are optional:

- style defines the way a point is shown on the screen. If you do not specify style, the point is shown as a thin cross. Point B in our example is shown as a filled circle (style 2).
- color is a RGB triplet (red, green, blue). Each of the three components can assume a value from 0 (dark) to 255 (maximum intensity). If you do not specify color, the point is drawn black. By the way, color values are the only expressions in GeoScript which use brackets.
- thickness is the size of the point how it is drawn on the screen. For the default style, it indicates the length of the crossed lines in pixels. For style 2, it indicates the diameter of the circle.
(For a complete explanation of styles and appearances, see the corresponding section in the GeoScript Manual.)

If you want to specify only thickness, but leave style and color in their default state, you can write DEFAULT in the place of these parameters, as in the third line of the above example:


Passing the value -1 has the same meaning as DEFAULT.

When you run this script, you will note that the points appear one by one on the screen, with a wait time of two seconds between each point. You can skip these wait times by pressing any key. (Later on we will see ways to put constructions immediately on the screen, when we discuss CONSTRUCTION procedures.)
For more details about the user interface of GeoScript, see the section "Screen Layout" of the GeoScript Manual.

- Next, we unite the points with straight lines. This is accomplished with the instruction LINE. Its syntax is:

line = LINE point1, point2 [, pattern, color, thickness]

You will notice a difference between the form of this instruction and the former. In "POINT name ..." we have first the keyword and then the variable name. Here we have first the variable name and then the keyword. (The "=" sign is optional.) The first form is the form of an initialization instruction, where we define the type of a variable and assign numerical values to it (such as coordinates). The form we have here, is a geometrical operation (or construction), where we use one or more already existing element(s) (two points, in this case) to create one or more new element(s) (a line, in this case).
The instruction LINE exists also as initialization instruction, in the following form:

LINE name, x1, y1, x2, y2 [, pattern, color, thickness]

Here, x1,y1 and x2,y2 are the coordinates of two points which define the line.
So, instead of doing it as in the example, we could also construct our triangle by initializing three lines and then calculating the points where they intersect. But it is more practical to do it the way we do it in our example.

You will notice also that we have points named A,B,C and lines named a,b,c. This is not a problem, since GeoScript differentiates between uppercase and lowercase letters; so A is not the same as a. But this means that you must type carefully: if you name for example a point Top and later refer to it as top, you will get an error.
Keywords, on the other hand, are not case sensitive: instead of LINE, we could also write line, Line, or even lInE.

As with POINT, the instruction LINE has its optional parameters which are explained in this section of the GeoScript Manual.

To run the script (under Windows), run "GeoScript.exe", and in the appearing dialog box select the script file you want to run ("tutorial1.geo" in this case). You can also open Windows Explorer in the folder where your script file reside, and drag it onto the GeoScript icon.

This is the output of our program:

- There are two last instructions to explain:

WAIT stops program execution until the user clicks on a button or presses one of the predefined keys. Without this instruction, the program window would close immediately after the triangle is finished, and we would not have time to admire the result of our first program.

END ends the program - there is nothing more to say about it. End.


Chapter 2: Basic drawings with lines

In Chapter 1 we got acquainted with the geometrical construction LINE. Now we will add some more constructions to our first program:

hc = LINEPOLAR C, c, 90º, &HF0F

The instruction LINEPOLAR draws a line which passes through a given point and forms a specified angle with a given line. Angles are specified in degrees and increase counterclockwise. (The degree sign º after the number is optional; but it makes your script better understandable. In case you revise it fifty years later when you will have forgotten what everything means.)

Here we use LINEPOLAR in order to draw a right angle to the base c, passing through the point C; this is, the height of the triangle. The Pattern value &HF0F produces a dashed line.

There is also an initialization instruction LINEPOLAR of the following form:

LINEPOLAR name, x1, y1, angle [, pattern, color, thickness]

Here x1,y1 are the coordinates of the origin of the line, and angle is an absolute angle: 0º means a line pointing to the right, 90º upwards, 180º to the left, etc. You will remember this easily when you remember that GeoScript follows Christian principles: First you decide to do what is right; then you lift your eyes up to get help from the Most High.

- Next, we draw the height through point B in the same way:

hb = LINEPOLAR B, b, 90º, &HF0F

Then we store the crosspoint of the two heights in a variable H:

H = CROSS hc, hb, 4, &HFF0000

The number 4 is a point style, it causes the point to be drawn as a filled square. &HFF0000 is a color value and means intense red. - In Chapter 1 we saw another form of specifying colors; in that form you would write (255,0,0). Instead of that, you can use this hexadecimal form &HRRGGBB (two digits for Red, two for Green and two for Blue). But if hexadecimal numbers make your stomach ache, you will of course prefer the bracketed form (red, green, blue).
Not very important note: This form of writing hexadecimal numbers corresponds to the syntax of the family of programming languages BASIC, in which GeoScript was written. For color values, also 0xFF0000 and 0FF0000h are acceptable. However, these latter forms are not accepted for line patterns and for other values you may wish to express in hexadecimal. (You can express also coordinates, angles, etc. in hexadecimal if this makes you happy; but then you MUST use the prefix &H.)

Next, just for examples' sake, we initialize another point and line with the following instructions:

POINT X, 400, 280, -1, (0,128,0)
x, Y = STARTLINE X, 0º, 180, -1, (0,128,0), 3

The instruction STARTLINE serves mainly educational purposes: it initializes a line exactly the way you would draw a new line of given length on paper. It takes a point you have already drawn, draws a straight line from there in a certain direction (0º = to the right in this example), and measures the desired length (180 pixels, in this example) from the startpoint. The last three parameters are the graphical properties of the line: default pattern, color green and thickness 3.
The general syntax of STARTLINE is:

line, point2 = STARTLINE point, angle, distance [, pattern, color, thickness]

You see that this instruction has two results: a line and a point (the endpoint). The endpoint will have the same graphical properties as the startpoint.

Now we want to define a third point on this line x, at a distance of 50 pixels from X towards Y. This is achieved with the following instruction:

Z = ADVANCETO X, Y, 50, 2

(The last parameter, 2, is the style of the new point Z.)
If we have already a line constructed from X to Y, as in this example, we could achieve the same result with the following instruction:

Z = ADVANCEON X, x, 50, 2

The only difference between ADVANCETO and ADVANCEON is that ADVANCETO takes as parameters two points, and ADVANCEON takes a point and a line.

Now, if we use ADVANCEON, the question is: in which direction will we advance? Since a line goes in two directions, what if GeoScript makes a mistake and advances to the left, when we want to advance to the right? - The answer is found in the vectorial format GeoScript uses internally. For a line, it stores not only its location, but also its direction. This direction depends on the way the line was initially constructed. In our case, we constructed it using an absolute angle; so we can be sure the line points to the right, not to the left. For a line constructed by uniting two points, its vector points from the first point toward the second, and not in reverse order.

As a last example, we will construct a line starting at Z in an angle of 30 degrees:

z = LINEPOLAR Z, x, 30º, -1, (0,128,0), 3

Here we can ask again: in which direction will this angle point? To the right or to the left? - Again we have a look at the line's vector, and remember that angles increase counterclockwise. So there is only one answer: this line will point upwards to the right.

This is the whole program:

POINT A, 100,360, -1, &H0000FF
POINT B, 400,360, -1, &H0000FF
POINT C, 300,85, -1, &H0000FF
a = LINE B,C
b = LINE A,C
c = LINE A,B
hc = LINEPOLAR C, c, 90º, &HF0F   'dashed line
hb = LINEPOLAR B, b, 90º, &HF0F
H = CROSS hc, hb, 4, &HFF0000
POINT X, 400, 280, -1, (0,128,0)
x, Y = STARTLINE X, 0º, 180, -1, (0,128,0), 3    'A green line 3 pixels thick.
Z = ADVANCETO X, Y, 50, 2      'A point at 50 pixels from X towards Y.
z = LINEPOLAR Z, x, 30º, -1, (0,128,0), 3

And this is its output:


Chapter 3: Marking objects

We will still use the program from the previous chapter, and make some more additions to it. Since our points and lines have names, it would be nice to see these names also on the screen. This is done with the MARK... family of instructions. To mark a point, we use:

MARKPOINT point [, size, position]

size is an optional parameter which indicates the letter size (height) in pixels. If you omit it, the default size of 16 pixels applies.
position indicates where exactly you want to place the label of your point. When you draw on paper, you can easily see where you can write a letter outside from interferring lines; but GeoScript is not that smart. If you do not indicate where exactly to put the letter(s), it will label a point always on top of it. For the points A and B of our triangle, this would not look nice, since the letters would be crossed by the lines a and b, respectively. Therefore, we indicate with a value of 2 that we want the letter to be placed below the point:


(For more position values and other details about the marking instructions, see the GeoScript Manual.)

For point C, the default position is OK. But as an example, we will use a larger letter size here:


For marking a line, there are two alternate forms:

MARKLINE line [, point1, point2, size, position]
MARKLINE line [, size , position]

You must in some way indicate where along the line the label should be placed. You can specify two points on the line, and the label will be placed in the middle between them. Be careful, GeoScript does not check if these points are actually on the line. If they are not, you may get some weird results.
If you do not specify any points, the label will be drawn in the middle between the origin of the line (the startpoint from which it was originally constructed) and the endpoint of its vector starting from there. (In Chapter 2 we have shortly explained line vectors.) For our triangle this is OK, since we constructed the lines from the endpoints of the triangle; so we will not specify any points:

MARKLINE a, -1, 1
MARKLINE c, -1, 1

You see that we change the position value for lines a and c, since we prefer to have all labels outside the triangle. For lines, there are only two position values: the default is left of the line, if the line is steeply inclined (over 45º), and on top of the line if it is rather flat. A value of 1 changes the position to the right resp. below the line.

Now for the angles. The two forms of the marking instruction are:

MARKANGLE line1, line2, "text" [, size, position, radius]
MARKANGLE point1, point2, point3, "text" [, size, radius]

Since angles are not stored in variables, they have no names, and we must give them one now. That is what the parameter "text" is for. You must enclose this text within double quotation marks "". - In addition to the label, angles will also be marked with an arc. You can specify the size of this arc in the optional paramenter radius.
In the first form of the instruction, the angle is defined by two lines. But this is not sufficient, since there are at least four different angles (even more) which could be marked between two lines:

I began numbering these possibilities with 0, because this is a programmer's custom (very useful for dealing with computers, but not for everyday life). And also because these red numbers correspond to the optional parameter position. Position 0 (default) is the angle counterclockwise from line1 to line2, position 1 is the next angle following in counterclockwise direction, etc.
But this is not all yet. The vector of line2 could point in the opposite direction, and which one of the following is then the angle counterclockwise from line1 to line2 ?

As you see, position 0 will always choose the smaller angle (<180º), regardless of the direction of line2. Position 4, on the other hand, will always mark exactly the angle from vector 1 to vector 2, even if it is greater than 180º.
So, if you are not careful, this instruction may easily mark a different angle from the one you want. Therefore, wherever you have three known points which define an angle, you should use the second form of the MARKANGLE instruction. This form needs no position parameter, since it will always turn counterclockwise from point1 to point3, with point2 as the origin of the angle, as shown to the right:

This is what we do in our example script:

MARKANGLE A,C,B, "g", 24, 150

You will see that the screen output is with greek letters: instead of a latin "a", a greek alpha will appear. Gamma is represented by "g", not "c". - With this third angle, we use a larger font size (24) and a larger arc radius (150 pixels).

Marking sizes of angles and lines

Sometimes it is desirable to not only indicate the name of an angle, but also its size. You do this with the instruction MARKNUMBERANGLE, which has exactly the same syntax as MARKANGLE (both forms), but will additionally calculate and display the size of the angle in degrees. In our example script, we will indicate the size of the angle between height hc and baseline c, which should be 90º:


For lines, you use MARKNUMBERLINE, which has the following syntax:

MARKNUMBERLINE line [, point1, point2, factor, size, position]

This instruction will indicate the distance between point1 and point2 in pixels; or if no points are given, the length of the vector of the line.
You see here an additional optional parameter, factor. This is an integer number by which the pixel value will be divided. So you can define your own measuring unit; for example with a factor of 10, a distance of 10 pixels will be labelled as 1, 50 pixels as 5, etc.

This is the complete program:

POINT A, 100,360, -1, &H0000FF
MARKPOINT A, -1, 2    'Default Font Size; Position 2 = bottom.
POINT B, 400,360, -1, &H0000FF
POINT C, 300,85, -1, &H0000FF
MARKPOINT C, 24       'Use a larger font size here.
a = LINE B,C
MARKLINE a, -1, 1     'Position: Right-Bottom
b = LINE A,C
c = LINE A,B
MARKLINE c, -1, 1     'Position: Right-Bottom
'Mark the angles of the triangle:
MARKANGLE A,C,B, "g", 24, 150   'Larger font size and arc radius.
hc = LINEPOLAR C, c, 90º, &HF0F
hb = LINEPOLAR B, b, 90º, &HF0F
H = CROSS hc, hb, 4, &HFF0000
POINT X, 400, 280, -1, (0,128,0)
x, Y = STARTLINE X, 0º, 180, -1, (0,128,0), 3
Z = ADVANCETO X, Y, 50, 2
MARKNUMBERLINE x, X,Z          'Mark distance X-Z.
z = LINEPOLAR Z, x, 30º, -1, (0,128,0), 3

And here the screen output:


Chapter 4: Circles
(Introducing CIRCLE, CROSS with circles, TANGENT.)

Like POINT, LINE and LINEPOLAR, the instruction CIRCLE has also two uses. To initialize a circle with numerical values, its syntax is:

CIRCLE name, x, y, radius [, color, thickness, start, end]

x,y are the coordinates of the circle center. The optional parameters start and end indicate the start and end angle of the arc, in degrees; so they allow to draw only an arc instead of a full circle. - These properties apply only to the way the circle is drawn on the screen, but not to constructions: If you construct, for example, the crosspoints of a circle with a line, these points will be created even if they are located on the invisible part of the arc.

As a construction, CIRCLE has the following two forms:

circle = CIRCLE center, point [, color, thickness, start, end]
circle = CIRCLE center, line [, color, thickness, start, end]

In the first form, the circle will pass through point. In the second form, the circle will be tangential to line.
The following sample program uses all three variants of the CIRCLE instruction:

CIRCLE c1, 200,200, 150, (128,128,0), 3
POINT C, 280,280
POINT A, 460,370
c2 = CIRCLE C, A, (128,128,0), 3
'CIRCLE with two points: C is the center, and the circle passes through A.
LINEPOLAR t, 20,410, 0º
c3 = CIRCLE A, t, (255,0,0), 1
'CIRCLE with a point and a line: A is the center, and t is a tangent.
'Crosspoints between a circle and a line:
P,Q = CROSS t, c2
'Crosspoints between two circles:
R,S = CROSS c1, c2
a,b = TANGENT P, c1, &HF01, (0,160,0)

You see here also two new variants of the CROSS instruction:

P,Q = CROSS t, c2
R,S = CROSS c1, c2

In the first case, the crosspoints of a line with a circle are constructed; in the second case, the crosspoints of two circles. Since there may be two crosspoints, you must put the results in two different variables.
But what if there is only one crosspoint (in the case of a tangent), or none at all? - In this case, GeoScript will simply declare the points P and Q (resp. R and S) as "invalid" and will not show them on the screen. No error will interrupt your program; but if you use such invalid points in further constructions (for example, uniting them with a line), the results will also be invalid.
(Note: No, actually in the case of a tangent it resulted more meaningful not to declare any crosspoint as invalid, but to assign to both the same value. The current version of GeoScript should work this way.)

The last instruction to explain is:

a,b = TANGENT P, c1, &HF01, (0,160,0)

This draws the tangents (again two variables for the possible results) from point P to circle c1. Of the usual optional parameters (pattern, color, thickness), two are given: &HF01 draws a dash-dot line, and its color is green.

Here is the output of the program:

There are two gray elements on the screen you might not have expected: a perpendicular line from A to the line PQ, and a circle passing through P and through the center of circle c1. These are auxiliary lines you would also draw on paper if you would realize these constructions exactly: they help to find the exact points where the circle touches its tangent.
Of course, the computer has no need of these auxiliary lines for calculating circles and tangents. They are being drawn purely for educational purposes. (Later on we will see how we can realize constructions in FAST mode, where these auxiliary elements will not appear.)


Chapter 5: Notable lines in a triangle; Text output

When showing geometrical constructions with GeoScript, it would be good to put some text on the screen in order to explain to the user what we are doing. There is a series of screen instructions which accomplish this. For text output, you need the following instructions:

TEXTWINDOW x, y, width, height
TEXT "text" [, fgColor, bgColor, size]

Instead of TEXTWINDOW, you can also write TWINDOW. This instruction defines a rectangle within the window where text will appear. You cannot use the TEXT instruction without specifying a TEXTWINDOW somewhere earlier in the program.
The "text" to display must be enclosed in double quotation marks "" and must remain on the same line in the script. (GeoScript handles line wrapping - although not perfectly - to fit the text inside the TEXTWINDOW.)
The meaning of the optional parameters is: fgColor = color with which the text will be drawn. bgColor = background color with which the text window will be filled. size = letter height in pixels.

So, we put a TEXTWINDOW and a TEXT instruction somewhere between the construction instructions of the former example. What happens? The text will appear only for a short moment. You may not even be able to see it. As soon as the next element is drawn, the text disappears. This is because the TEXTWINDOW is inside the area where graphics are drawn, so it will be covered as soon as graphics are updated.
There are two ways to avoid this:
- Pause program execution with WAIT if a text has to be shown in the middle of a construction.
- Restrict the graphics output area so it does no longer interfere with the text window.

In our example program, we will use the second approach. Look at these lines:

SCREEN 600,460
WINDOW 600, 380
TWINDOW 2,380, 596,60

The instruction SCREEN defines the size of the application window (here 600x460 pixels). If you omit this instruction (as in the former examples), the window will be initialized to the default size of 640x480.
The instruction WINDOW defines the size of the area where graphics are displayed. This area will be clipped to the right and at the bottom if it is smaller than the application window. So in our example, graphics will fill the whole 600 pixels of the window's width, but only 380 of its height, so 460-380=80 pixels will be left free at the bottom for text.
Therefore, our text window begins at the y-coordinate 380 and has a height of 60 pixels. (Take into account that the lowest 20 pixels are occupied by the default buttons. They will cover text that is displayed there.)
You can of course change the size and location of the textwindow during the program. But in our example here we will use the same textwindow throughout the whole program.

After this initialization, we construct a triangle and mark its elements as in chapter 3. There is no need to repeat this code here. After that, we output some text in order to explain what we will do:

TEXT "We will join each point of the triangle with the middle of the opposite side.
The resulting lines intersect in the gravity center of the triangle.", (0,0,255)

(Note that this whole text must actually be written on a single line. I am wrapping it here only so that you need not scroll the window to read it.)

Then we construct and mark the gravity center with the following lines:

d = LINE A,D, -1, (0,0,255)
e = LINE B,E, -1, (0,0,255)
f = LINE C,F, -1, (0,0,255)
G = CROSS d, e, -1, (0,0,255)

The instruction MIDDLE simply places a point exactly in the middle between two other points. You can optionally specify the style, color and thickness of the resulting point.
Now we want the user to actually see this picture; so we pause the program with WAIT. But before that, we output some text to inform the user what he should do now:

TEXT "Press Resume to continue.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)

Next we construct the circumcircle of the triangle. We write again some text to explain, and then do the following construction:

h = MIDLINE B,C, -1, (255,0,0)
i = MIDLINE A,C, -1, (255,0,0)
j = MIDLINE A,B, -1, (255,0,0)
M = CROSS h,i, -1, (255,0,0)
c1 = CIRCLE M,A, (255,0,0)

The instruction MIDLINE draws a perpendicular line in the middle between two points, and has the same optional parameters as all construction instructions (pattern, color and thickness, in the case of a line). You will see again appearing some auxiliary lines which simulate the actual construction on paper.
Here is the result:

Now we have already quite a lot of lines on the screen, and drawing more over it would look rather messy. Therefore, after a WAIT, we clean the screen with the instruction CLS. You can optionally specify a background color; for example CLS (0,0,100) will fill the screen with a dark blue.
But now we have to draw our triangle again, so we have to copy here the same set of instructions as in the beginning. After that, we can do a new construction in the triangle. This time, we construct its incircle:

d = BISECTOR c,b, -1, (0,190,0)
e = BISECTOR a,c, -1, (0,190,0)
f = BISECTOR b,a, -1, (0,190,0)
M = CROSS d,e, -1, (0,190,0)
c2 = CIRCLE M, a, (0,190,0)

The instruction BISECTOR draws the bisector of the angle between two given lines. And what is the REVERT for? - This has again to do with the direction of line vectors. As we discussed in an earlier chapter, there are several ways to interpret what the angle is between two lines; and likewise there are several ways to construct a bisector between two lines. BISECTOR will always use the angle counterclockwise from line1 to line2. If the vectors of these lines do not point in the desired direction, we must invert them with REVERT. This instruction changes nothing in the location and appearance of a line; it simply turns its vector in the opposite direction.
If you want to know what difference this makes, simply take out the REVERT instructions (or convert them to comments by putting a ' before them), run the script again and watch.

There is a last part in this program which constructs the heights. There is nothing new in that part. Here is the complete program:

SCREEN 600,460
WINDOW 600, 380
TWINDOW 2,380, 596,60
POINT A = 70,340
POINT B = 530,340
POINT C = 140,40
c = LINE A,B
b = LINE A,C
a = LINE B,C
MARKLINE c, -1, 1
TEXT "We will join each point of the triangle with the middle of the opposite side.
The resulting lines intersect in the gravity center of the triangle.", (0,0,255)
d = LINE A,D, -1, (0,0,255)
e = LINE B,E, -1, (0,0,255)
f = LINE C,F, -1, (0,0,255)
G = CROSS d, e, -1, (0,0,255)
TEXT "Press Resume to continue.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)
TEXT "Now we will draw perpendicular lines from the middle points of each side.
They intersect in the center of the circumcircle of the triangle.", (255,0,0)
h = MIDLINE B,C, -1, (255,0,0)
i = MIDLINE A,C, -1, (255,0,0)
j = MIDLINE A,B, -1, (255,0,0)
M = CROSS h,i, -1, (255,0,0)
c1 = CIRCLE M,A, (255,0,0)
TEXT "Press Resume to continue.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)
'Now we must draw the triangle again.
c = LINE A,B
b = LINE A,C
a = LINE B,C
MARKLINE a, -1, 1
MARKLINE c, -1, 1
TEXT "We bisect each angle of the triangle. The crosspoint of the bisectors is the center
 of the inscribed circle.", (0,190,0)
d = BISECTOR c,b, -1, (0,190,0)
'We must invert the vector of c, so that its origin is in B
'  and the bisector will be drawn in the correct angle.
e = BISECTOR a,c, -1, (0,190,0)
f = BISECTOR b,a, -1, (0,190,0)
M = CROSS d,e, -1, (0,190,0)
c2 = CIRCLE M, a, (0,190,0)
TEXT "Press Resume to continue.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)
TEXT "The height of the triangle is a perpendicular line from a point to the opposite 
side. There are three heights and they intersect in a single point.", (160,0,160)
hc = LINEPOLAR C,c, 90º, -1, (160,0,160)
ha = LINEPOLAR A,a, 90º, -1, (160,0,160)
hb = LINEPOLAR B,b, 90º, -1, (160,0,160)
H = CROSS hc, ha, -1, (160,0,160)
TEXT "Press Resume or Exit to end the program.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)

And here is the output of the second half of the program:


Chapter 6: Procedure "CONSTRUCTION"

In the last example, we had to draw the same triangle twice. Instead of copying the same instructions again, there is a more convenient way to do this. We can put these instructions into a procedure (sometimes also called "subroutine") of the type CONSTRUCTION. Then we need only a single line to CALL this procedure. All the instructions contained in the procedure will execute, and then the program will continue normaly with the line following the instruction CALL.

Procedures must be placed after all other instructions (which are also called the "main module"). So, we place the following block of instructions at the end of our program:

  c = LINE A,B
  b = LINE A,C
  a = LINE B,C
  MARKPOINT A, -1, 2
  MARKPOINT B, -1, 2
  MARKLINE c, -1, 1

The word CONSTRUCTION tells the GeoScript interpreter that a procedure of the type "CONSTRUCTION" begins here. "Triangle" is the name of the procedure. (Every procedure must have a name, because you must be able to CALL it by its name from another part of the program.) A,B,C are the parameters of the procedure.

Parameter passing is an important concept of programming. When you CALL the procedure "Triangle", the procedure expects you to give it three points to work with. They must not necessarily be the points A,B,C of the main module; they can be any points. You can for example write "CALL Triangle D,E,F"; then the procedure will construct a triangle out of the points D, E and F. Everywhere in the procedure where the variable A appears, it will use D instead of A, and likewise E instead of B and F instead of C.
You must make sure that you call the procedure with the correct type of parameters. If you try, for example, "CALL Triangle ha, hb, hc", you will get a "Type Mismatch Error", because ha, hb and hc are defined as lines, not as points, elsewhere in the program.
Inside a procedure, every variable which is not declared as a parameter, is a global variable; i.e. it is the same variable as the one with this name in the main module. So for example in the above procedure, the lines a, b and c are global variables. When you CALL Triangle, afterwards the lines a, b and c will have changed. (Other programming languages use "local variables" in their procedures. But there are no local variables in GeoScript.)
On the other hand, the parameters A,B,C, as we already mentioned, are not the same as A,B,C in the main module. Suppose the procedure would change the values of parameters A, B and C. When you "CALL Triangle D,E,F", the points A,B,C will not change at all; but the points D,E,F will.
Note that procedure names are case sensitive: if you "CALL triangle", "Triangle" will not respond, because it does not recognize its name in this form.

Every procedure ends with the instruction REPEAT. After REPEAT, you can optionally put a number, indicating how many times the procedure should repeat itself. So if you write REPEAT 5, the procedure will repeat itself five times before the program continues after CALL. If you omit the number, the procedure will execute only once and then return.

(There are no examples for repeated CONSTRUCTIONs in this tutorial. But you can find some in the other example scripts, for example in "Spiral.geo" and in "Conicals.geo").

Instead of CALL, when you call a CONSTRUCTION, you can also write CONSTRUCT.

Execution modes

There are three different modes with which you can call a procedure: SLOW, PACE and FAST.

PACE is the mode you have seen until now: Elements are drawn on the screen one by one, with a delay of two seconds after each. (Although the user can skip these wait times by pressing any key except "R", [Esc] and [PageUp].) If you do not specify a mode, CONSTRUCTIONs will execute in this mode. The main module executes always in PACE mode.

FAST mode draws the whole CONSTRUCTION at once, as fast as your machine's performance allows.

SLOW mode is for educational animations. It shows not only the geometrical elements, but also a simple animation of the tools with which you would draw them on paper (ruler, compass, etc). This takes time of course, but is fun to watch especially for beginners. - Instead of SLOW you can also write TOOLS.
Here is part of such a tool animation from the sample script below:

In a CALL instruction, the mode keyword must be placed after the procedure name, but before the parameters. For example:

CALL Triangle FAST, X, Y, Z

The following sample program shows examples for all three modes. It is essentially the same as in the previous chapter. But since we are practicing procedures, the other constructions (gravity center, circumcircle, etc.) are also placed in procedures and CALLed from the main module. And you will see that the triangle is initialized to other points in the middle of the program.

- There is another change in this program: When initializing points A,B,C, you see that instead of POINT we use the instruction IPOINT. The "I" stands for "Invisible". Points initialized with IPOINT will not appear on the screen and will therefore not consume any wait time either. (You may already have got bored by the slow appearance of the three points on the screen in the previous examples.) - You can still later on in the program mark points initialized with IPOINT.

Likewise you can prefix almost all initialization and construction instructions with an "I": ILINE, ICIRCLE, ICROSS, IMIDLINE, etc.

SCREEN 600,460
WINDOW 600, 380
TWINDOW 2,380, 596,60
IPOINT A = 70,340
IPOINT B = 530,340
IPOINT C = 140,40
TEXT "Triangle construction in PACE mode. This is the default."
CALL Triangle PACE A,B,C
TEXT "Gravicenter construction in FAST mode. Press Resume to continue."
CALL Gravicenter FAST A,B,C
'Clear Screen and draw triangle again:
CALL Triangle FAST A,B,C
TEXT "Circumcircle construction in SLOW mode."
CALL Circumcircle SLOW A,B,C
TEXT "Incircle construction in default mode (PACE)."
'Now we initialize our triangle to other points:
POINT X, 100,80, 3,(0,160,0)
POINT Y, 400,80, 3,(0,160,0)
POINT Z, 250,300, 3,(0,160,0)
'No need to call "Triangle" here: "Incircle" draws the lines.
CALL Incircle X,Y,Z
WAIT 4000         'Wait for 4 seconds.
TEXT "Height construction in SLOW mode."
Markpoint X
Markpoint Y
Markpoint Z
'No need to call "Triangle" here: "Heights" draws the lines.
TEXT "Press Resume or Exit to end the program.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)
' Main module ends here. Procedures begin here.
  c = LINE A,B
  b = LINE A,C
  a = LINE B,C
  MARKPOINT A, -1, 2
  MARKPOINT B, -1, 2
  MARKLINE c, -1, 1
  d = LINE A,D, -1, (0,0,255)
  e = LINE B,E, -1, (0,0,255)
  f = LINE C,F, -1, (0,0,255)
  G = CROSS d, e, -1, (0,0,255)
  h = MIDLINE B,C, -1, (255,0,0)
  i = MIDLINE A,C, -1, (255,0,0)
  j = MIDLINE A,B, -1, (255,0,0)
  M = CROSS h,i, -1, (255,0,0)
  c1 = CIRCLE M,A, (255,0,0)
  c = LINE A,B
  b = LINE A,C
  a = LINE B,C
  d = BISECTOR c,b, -1, (0,190,0)
  e = BISECTOR a,c, -1, (0,190,0)
  f = BISECTOR b,a, -1, (0,190,0)
  M = CROSS d,e, -1, (0,190,0)
  c2 = CIRCLE M, a, (0,190,0)
  c = LINE A,B
  b = LINE A,C
  a = LINE B,C
  hc = LINEPOLAR C,c, 90º, -1, (160,0,160)
  ha = LINEPOLAR A,a, 90º, -1, (160,0,160)
  hb = LINEPOLAR B,b, 90º, -1, (160,0,160)
  H = CROSS hc, ha, -1, (160,0,160)


Chapter 7: Animations

In the previous chapter we have seen procedures of the type CONSTRUCTION. There are two other types of procedures. One of them is ANIMATION. It allows repeating the same constructions many times, while the starting points are moving. In FAST mode, this gives the impression of a geometrical figure changing its shape constantly.

The following example uses the CONSTRUCTIONs "Triangle" and "Circumcircle", which we know already from the previous chapter. But now these two procedures are called from inside another procedure of the type ANIMATION, which looks as follows:

  STEP A, 4,-1
  CALL Triangle FAST A,B,C
  CALL Circumcircle FAST A,B,C

First we have the keyword ANIMATION and the procedure name. Animations cannot take parameters. - Then we find two new instructions:

STEP A, 4,-1

The STEP instruction indicates that the point A will be moving during the animation. The numbers are the amount of pixels the point will move after each repetition: 4 pixels to the right and 1 pixel upwards.
Actually you can "STEP" not only points, but also circles (but not lines). Consult the GeoScript Manual.


The TRACE instruction indicates that the point M will be "traced" during the animation. This means that while the other elements are deleted and recreated anew at each repetition, point M will leave behind a "trace" of all its positions since the beginning of the animation. - After TRACE, you can specifiy several points on the same line (up to 14).

Instructions STEP and TRACE apply generally to the whole procedure, no matter where in the procedure they are placed.

- After these, we CALL our constructions "Triangle" and "Circumcircle". Note that ANIMATIONs can call other procedures, but CONSTRUCTIONs cannot call any other procedure.
(Note: This is slightly improved now. In the current version, a CONSTRUCTION which takes no parameters can now call another CONSTRUCTION (with or without parameters).)
- Finally, with REPEAT 150 we indicate that the whole procedure should be repeated 150 times.

From the main module, we call our animation "Circum" in FAST mode. (This is the default for an ANIMATION.) Run the script and watch them move!

WINDOW 640,400
TWINDOW 2,400, 636,60

IPOINT A = 70,340
IPOINT B = 530,340
IPOINT C = 140,40

TEXT "Look how the circumcircle changes as point A moves towards the line a."

TEXT "Press Resume or Exit to end the program.", (255,255,0), (160,0,0)

  c = LINE A,B
  b = LINE A,C
  a = LINE B,C
  MARKPOINT A, -1, 2
  MARKPOINT B, -1, 2
  MARKLINE c, -1, 1

  h = MIDLINE B,C, -1, (255,0,0)
  i = MIDLINE A,C, -1, (255,0,0)
  j = MIDLINE A,B, -1, (255,0,0)
  M = CROSS h,i, -1, (128,0,0)
  c1 = CIRCLE M,A, (255,0,0)

  STEP A, 4,-1
  CALL Triangle FAST A,B,C
  CALL Circumcircle FAST A,B,C

Here is the output after some repetitions:


Chapter 8: "INTERACTION" procedure

The third procedure type in GeoScript is INTERACTION. It is similar to ANIMATION in that it redraws the same constructions from different starting points. But while ANIMATION moves the points automatically, INTERACTION lets the user drag the points around, using the mouse.
Let's have a look at this new kind of procedure:

  CALL Triangle FAST A,B,C
  CALL Circumcircle FAST A,B,C

We have no instructions STEP and TRACE here. Instead, we have the instruction CLICKABLE. It specifies which points can be dragged with the mouse (in our example A and B). As with TRACE, after CLICKABLE you can write several points on the same line (up to 14). Only points can be CLICKABLE, but not lines nor circles.
The clickable points will not be marked in any special way on the screen. So you must yourself distinguish them by giving them a special style, or by outputting a text which tells the user which points he can drag, or both.

An INTERACTION repeats itself infinitely, until the user clicks on the "Exit" button or presses the [Esc] key. Therefore, it is useless to specify a REPEAT number for an INTERACTION.

In FAST mode, an INTERACTION works differently from the other modes: In FAST mode, while the user is still dragging a point, the construction will continuously be updated. Actually it looks as if you were dragging the whole figure around, changing its form dynamically. This is what you can observe when you run the following script.
In PACE and SLOW mode however, when you drag a point, the construction will be updated only after you release the mouse button.

Now try and run this example script:

WINDOW 640,420
TWINDOW 2,420, 636,40

'We put initialization of points into a CONSTRUCTION,
'so we can call it FAST.


TEXT "Drag Point A or B with the mouse and see how the circumcircle changes. 
Click 'Exit' or press [Esc] key to exit."

  POINT A = 70,340, 4, (255,0,0)
  POINT B = 530,340, 4, (255,0,0)
  IPOINT C = 140,40

  c = LINE A,B
  b = LINE A,C
  a = LINE B,C
  MARKPOINT A, -1, 2
  MARKPOINT B, -1, 2
  MARKLINE c, -1, 1

  h = MIDLINE B,C, -1, (0,0,255)
  i = MIDLINE A,C, -1, (0,0,255)
  j = MIDLINE A,B, -1, (0,0,255)
  M = CROSS h,i, -1, (0,0,255)
  c1 = CIRCLE M,A, (0,0,255)

  CALL Triangle FAST A,B,C
  CALL Circumcircle FAST A,B,C


Chapter 9: Limiting movements in animations and interactions
(Introducing ALONG, COPY, FILL)

Sometimes it is useful to move a point (or to let the user drag it), but not anywhere on the screen, but only along a predefined line. For example, in this chapter we want to demonstrate visually the law that all angles drawn over the same chord in a circle are equal. For this purpose we need a circle, a chord, and a point which moves - but only along the circle line. The keyword ALONG allows to domesticate moving points in such a way that they will obey this order. The following example shows the use of ALONG both in an ANIMATION and in an INTERACTION.

In the ANIMATION, we have the following line:

  STEP P ALONG c1, 3

This tells the point P that it has to move along the periphery of the circle c1. (Instead of a circle, you can also specify a line after ALONG.) - Now, since the point's movement is confined to a circle, we can no longer give it an x- and a y-coordinate for its movement. We can give it only a single parameter: the distance it will move (3 pixels in our example); and the direction is given by the circle or line it moves ALONG.
For circles, a positive step value means counterclockwise, and a negative value means clockwise. For lines, a positive value means forward in the direction of the line's vector, and a negative value means backward.

Now have a look at the INTERACTION procedure. Here we have a similar line:


With this instruction, the user can drag point P, but it will not be possible to drag it away from the periphery of the circle. If you run the script and try it out, you will see the effect.

Here is the whole program:

WINDOW 640,420
TWINDOW 2,420, 636,40

TEXT "All angles drawn over the same chord in a circle are equal."
TEXT "Now drag yourself the point P around the circle."

  CIRCLE c1, 320,200, 170, (0,0,255)
  FILL c1, (0,0,255), 20
  ILINE invisible, 0,310, 600,310
  A,B = CROSS invisible, c1
  chord = LINE A,B
  P = COPY B

  'Restrict movement of point P to circle c1:
  STEP P ALONG c1, 3
  a = LINE P,A, -1, (128,0,0)
  b = LINE P,B, -1, (128,0,0)

  'Restrict movement of point P to circle c1:
  a = LINE P,A, -1, (128,0,0)
  b = LINE P,B, -1, (128,0,0)

Two other instructions in this program need explication, both in CONSTRUCTION Init::

FILL c1, (0,0,255), 20

This instruction does not realize any construction. It just fills the already existing circle c1 with a color. The number 20 indicates the opacity of the fill color on a scale from 0 to 255. 0 is completely transparent (you will se nothing of the fill); 255 is full intensity. If the circle is a partial circle (an arc), only the sector corresponding to the arc will be filled.
There is another form of the FILL instruction which fills a triangle; there you must indicate the three points of the triangle:
FILL point1, point2, point3, color, opacity.
FILL is a relatively slow operation. If you put it into a procedure which will be called repeatedly in FAST mode, the screen may flicker if you have an older machine.

The other new instruction in this program is:


We want the moving point P to start at the same location as the point B on the circle. So we make a "copy" of B and put it into the variable P. P will then have exactly the same coordinates and appearance as B.
You can copy points, lines and circles. However, if you try "A = COPY a", where A is a point and a a line, the interpreter will complaint about a "Type Mismatch" error.

This is the output of the program at two different stages:


Chapter 10: A menu

It is practical to have a menu in a program. (Except that it makes you think of food when you should be thinking of programming.) The user can see at a glance what the program offers, and can choose the options he want.
A GeoScript window does not have a menu, only three predefined buttons, as you have seen in the previous examples. But you can program some simple popup menu lists within a GeoScript file. This is a script for a simple menu:

  MENUITEM "Option 1"
    TEXT "You selected Option 1."
  MENUITEM "Option 2"
    TEXT "You selected Option 2."
  MENUITEM "Option 3"
    TEXT "You selected Option 3."

Of course this menu does not do anything interesting. But it shows you how it works. You see that it begins with MENU (without any parameters), followed by a list of MENUITEMs. Following MENUITEM you have a text string. This is the text which will appear in the popup list.
Actually, MENU has two optional parameters: You can give it two color arguments. The first will be the text color, the second the background color, of the highlighted menuitem. It is not (yet) possible to change the colors of the not-highlighted items; these will always appear black on gray.
After a MENUITEM line you put the instructions you want to have executed for the corresponding item. GeoScript will execute the instructions it finds after the MENUITEM which was selected by the user. As soon as it finds a new MENUITEM or an ENDMENU, it will jump to the line after ENDMENU and continue execution there.
The user can navigate a MENU with the Up and Down arrow keys and select the highlighted option with [Enter]. Or click an option with the mouse, of course. - To select nothing, the user can press the [Esc] key, or click with the mouse outside the menu list. The program will then continue after ENDMENU without executing any of the menu options.

But the MENU instruction has more capacities than this. For example, suppose our user has chosen a menu option, the corresponding part of the script has executed, and then the user would like to choose another option of the same menu. But the menu list is already gone. How do we get back to it? - You can do this by ending your menu list with REPEATMENU instead of ENDMENU. This makes the menu appear repeatedly, every time execution of a menu option has ended. But then of course we have another problem: how does the user ever get out of this menu? It will repeat itself infinitely. That is, it would - if there were not the instruction EXITMENU. Put EXITMENU at the end of the instructions of a menu item, and program execution will jump after REPEATMENU. So we will slightly change our first menu list:

  MENUITEM "Option 1"
    TEXT "You selected Option 1."
  MENUITEM "Option 2"
    TEXT "You selected Option 2."
  MENUITEM "Option 3"
    TEXT "You selected Option 3."
  MENUITEM "Get out of this boring menu"
    TEXT "You decided to exit the menu."

This menu will repeat itself until the user selects the fourth option (or until he presses [Esc] or clicks outside the menu list).

But there is even more. You can also nest menus: a MENUITEM can in turn contain a new MENU list. You will see this in the following example script. It contains the same animation and interaction as the script from Chapter 9, but now the user can choose between animation and interaction, and he can choose the execution mode.

WINDOW 640,420
TWINDOW 2,420, 636,40


  MENUITEM "Animate construction automatically"
    TEXT "All angles drawn over the same chord in a circle are equal."
      MENUITEM "FAST mode (animating)"
        ANIMATE MoveAngle FAST
      MENUITEM "PACE mode (show construction steps)"
        ANIMATE MoveAngle PACE
      MENUITEM "SLOW mode (show drawing tools)"
        ANIMATE MoveAngle SLOW
  MENUITEM "Show construction interactively"
    TEXT "Now drag yourself the point P around the circle."
      MENUITEM "FAST mode (animating)"
        INTERACT InteractAngle FAST
      MENUITEM "PACE mode (show construction steps)"
        INTERACT InteractAngle PACE
      MENUITEM "SLOW mode (show drawing tools)"
        INTERACT InteractAngle SLOW
  MENUITEM "Exit program"

  CIRCLE c1, 320,200, 170, (0,0,255)
  FILL c1, (0,0,255), 20
  ILINE invisible, 0,310, 600,310
  A,B = CROSS invisible, c1
  chord = LINE A,B
  P = COPY B

  'Restrict movement of point P to circle c1:
  STEP P ALONG c1, 3
  a = LINE P,A, -1, (128,0,0)
  b = LINE P,B, -1, (128,0,0)

  'Restrict movement of point P to circle c1:
  a = LINE P,A, -1, (128,0,0)
  b = LINE P,B, -1, (128,0,0)
This is how the main menu list appears on the screen:


Chapter 11: Changing default styles and colors

GeoScript has certain default values for colors, point and line properties, etc, which it applies to every element whose properties are not indicated explicitly in the script. If you want an element to appear differently, you have to explicitly indicate its color, style, and thickness.
However, there is also a way to change the default appearance of elements for the whole program at once. This is done with the instruction DEFAULTS, which has the following syntax:

DEFAULTS bgColor [, drawColor, textColor, auxColor, lineThickness, pattern, pointThickness, style, anglePosition, arcWidth]

The parameters have the following meaning:
bgColor = background color of the application window.
drawColor = color with which the geometrical elements are drawn by default.
textColor = default color of text.
auxColor = color of the auxiliary lines which appear in detailed predefined constructions in PACE and SLOW mode.
lineThickness = default thickness of lines and circles.
pattern = default pattern of lines.
pointThickness = default thickness of points.
style = default style of points.
anglePosition = default value of the optional "position" parameter in MARKANGLE.
arcWidth = default width (in degrees) of the auxiliary arcs which appear in detailed predefined constructions in PACE and SLOW mode.

The instruction DEFAULTS will change these values as you indicate them, for all following drawing instructions. Remember that it does NOT change the appearance of the window and objects already drawn. Therefore, using DEFAULTS makes sense only when you are initializing a new construction.

There is also an instruction TOOLDEFAULTS which changes the appearance of the tools drawn in SLOW / TOOLS mode. Its syntax is:

TOOLDEFAULTS pencilSize [, squareSize, rulerWidth, pencilColor, compassColor, squareColor, protractorColor, rulerColor]

The parameters should be self-explaining. pencilSize applies not only to the pencil, but also to the compass. squareSize applies not only to the square, but also to the protractor. (Square and protractor appear only with the LINEPOLAR instruction.)
A value of -1 in the color parameters of TOOLDEFAULTS has a special meaning: it makes the corresponding tool appear in the same color as the element it is drawing. GeoScript sets this value initially for the pencil: you may have noted in the previous examples that the pencil is always drawn in the color of the line or point it draws.

The following example shows the effect of changes applied with DEFAULTS and TOOLDEFAULTS. Additionally, we change the highlight colors of the menu.

DEFAULTS 0, (255,180,255), (255,255,0), (0,0,128), 3, &HF01, 20, 2, 0, 45º
TOOLDEFAULTS 50, 100, 20, (0,255,0), (0,160,0), (160,160,0), (160,0,0), (50,90,50)

CLS 0     'DEFAULTS does NOT change the background which is already drawn!
          'except if you have a SCREEN instruction after DEFAULTS.
WINDOW 640,420
TWINDOW 2,420, 636,40


MENU (255,255,0), (190,0,0)
  MENUITEM "Animate construction automatically"
    TEXT "All angles drawn over the same chord in a circle are equal."
      MENUITEM "FAST mode (animating)"
        ANIMATE MoveAngle FAST
      MENUITEM "PACE mode (show construction steps)"
        ANIMATE MoveAngle PACE
      MENUITEM "SLOW mode (show drawing tools)"
        ANIMATE MoveAngle SLOW
  MENUITEM "Show construction interactively"
    TEXT "Now drag yourself the point P around the circle."
      MENUITEM "FAST mode (animating)"
        INTERACT InteractAngle FAST
      MENUITEM "PACE mode (show construction steps)"
        INTERACT InteractAngle PACE
      MENUITEM "SLOW mode (show drawing tools)"
        INTERACT InteractAngle SLOW
  MENUITEM "Exit program"

  CIRCLE c1, 320,200, 170, (0,0,255)
  FILL c1, (0,0,255), 20
  ILINE invisible, 0,310, 600,310
  A,B = CROSS invisible, c1
  chord = LINE A,B
  P = COPY B

  'Restrict movement of point P to circle c1:
  STEP P ALONG c1, 3
  a = LINE P,A, -1, (128,0,0)
  b = LINE P,B, -1, (128,0,0)
  c = BISECTOR a,b

  'Restrict movement of point P to circle c1:
  a = LINE P,A, -1, (128,0,0)
  b = LINE P,B, -1, (128,0,0)
  c = BISECTOR a,b

Here is an example of the output:


Now that you have mastered the basics of GeoScript, nothing will stop you from writing the most fabulous scripts!

If you write an interesting script and want to share it with other GeoScript users, send it to:

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